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"Cultural Caravan…….Orient meets Occident

Under the supervision of the Syrian Artist: Rebal Alkhodari 


(Al-Qafila) historically:

A group of people who travels together for trading and protection purposes, used historically to make certain that the group crosses the deserts safely.


(Al-Aqafila)  in old Arabic language:

The convoy in Arabic is spelled "Al-Qfelah", which has been taken from the verb "Qafal" which means locking on things, and used for travelling as they used to lock together all the travelers and the luggage for protection.



Convoys and cultures (Two sides of the same coin):

The convoys were the only and the most important cultural communication channel in the old times. Through convoys, languages, music, books and even habits and ethics were exchanged between cultures, and this exchange was not virtual because it was through real travelling.

Convoys were the only channel between leaders to transfer gifts and communicate peace, convoys brought silk from India and China to Europe, and it is the thing tha transferred poems methods from Arabs to Europe.

From there Amaan choir decided to commit travelling annually to create something similar, not by camels and horses, but by music and songs while making sure the added value is real and not virtual like the ones in social media.

Amaan Choir's convoy will commit transferring and exchanging music, and handicrafts through sellers to show a full image of the old convoy.




The Program objectives:

  • Transfer the oriental  culture through music and Arts.

  • Promote the touristic places in the oriental countreis

  • Highlighting on the  oriental culture in the time, when all media highliting the wars in the oriental areas. 

  • The convoy will focus on music communication, where the group of singers and musicians will exchange their music with others to richen their music background, and to create a new touristic purpose which is music communication. 


The Program proceesure:

  • Al-Qafila Board announce the program of the year before 8 to 10 months in advance. 

  • The programs are always built in a cultural theme ( Historical Arabic story, geographical presupposes, Humanitarian aims .. etc" 

  • In the announcement, It will be clear, which Partners are working with Al-Qafila for the coming year. As well, the cultural experts who will help the partecipants to build the concert programs will be announced. 

  • All musicians are welcome to submit there application before the dead line. 

  • The application will pass into three stages : 1- The administration department for Al-Qafila will check all the applications and withdraw the uncompleted once. 2- The experts will check the applications and the submitted Artistic materiel in order to give the second approve. 3- Online appointment will be scheduled for the applicant with one of the experts .  After there three phases, Al-Qafila Board will announce the participants for the new coming program. 

  • Al-Qafila is not only music. We also receive applications from different type pf arts. All applications will be checked. Although, it is not guarantied to be accepted depends on the program. But in Al-Qafila we always think openly and would like to create new ideas.

  • The cost of Alqafila will be handle by the participants themselves with Al-Qafila sponsors. The cost for each year is different . That depends on the programs. 

  • The participants should start preparing the programs before they come. They will be provided with materiel such as videos and music sheets to prepare for the concerts. 

  • The Program always starts in one city in Europe , where all experts and participants arrive and start the workshop for 5 till 6 days. 

  • After the workshop, Al-Qafila partecipants will perform one time in the city wehre they met, and then start touring in the area around. 

  • At the end of Al-Qafila, all partecipants will have a certificate signed from all Al-Qafila experts. 



See all our QAFILAS


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